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Tuesday, February 15th
Parent Meeting
7:00 pm in the LGI room.


Sunday February 27th
St Michaels SHMD Breakfast
Parish hall - 8:30-11:30 am

$2 for kids, $4 for adults


Tuesday March 1st

Applebee's Fundraiser

Quaker Rd. Queensbury

Bring your flyer and give it to the SHMD representative at the door.


Friday March 4th

Registration begins at 5:00


Saturday March 5th

Auction begins at 7:00 pm

Awards and Finale at 8:30 pm


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     If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to email Thaddeus Powers at or Joshua Powers at .

2005 | t.powers

SHMD home | Dancer News | Alumni News | Totals & Causes | Guestbook | Schedule | St. Mike's Breakfast | Applebee's | Pizza Hut