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Throughout the 27 years, over $1,000,000.00 has been raised for charities through the efforts of students and volunteers.

2004 Costume Party

The 2005 SHMD will be raising funds for:

Michael Tyler Reed-Vanburen
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Bryan Vaillancourt
Kelly Colombe
Sarah Gryga
Rebuilding Together Saratoga County
Tricia Stark
Double "H" Hole in the Woods Ranch
David Whorf
PJ Doyle
Robert Smith
Katie Bolesh
Judy Taylor
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation

Past Totals & Recipients
Karen Bailey
Ozzie Ozwalt
Ryan Donohoe
Olivia Parker
Ahsley Callahan
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
Lisa Derway Dunbar - local mother of 2 living with cancer
Hillarie Mosher - in need of handicapped accessible van
Eileen Palmer - local woman in need of motorized wheelchair
Park's Bentley House
South Glens Falls Fire Department
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Luke Murphy - handicapped accessible van
Meghan Jackson & Family - 2 year old with terminal brain cancer
Gaye Reardon - recovering from heart transplant
JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)
Moreau Emergency Squad
Moreau Community Center
Dedicated to the Memory of John Carayiannis
Justin Howard
Harry Rivers
Caritas (In memory of Pam Marcantonio)
Circle of Life Camp
"Double ""H"" Hole in the Woods"
Dedicated to the Memory of Caleb Snyder Class of 2000
Kelly Kubas
Linda Casey
SGF D.A.R.E. Program
Ronald McDonald House (In Memory of Caleb Snyder)
Ben Bates
"Ashley Callihan Jean ""Beaner"" Burnett"
Catherine Smith-Pulsifer
Jeffery McFadden
Jessica Bayer Scholarship Fund Kim VanScoy
Russ & Bea Greenwood - New van for transportation
Harry Betar Scholarship
Luke Garrett - Continued expenses for Luke
Medical Mission - Mission to Guatemala
James Bulman - age 3, For heart surgery
William Coutermash - age 15, For cancer treatment
SGF D.A.R.E. Program
Memorial Scholarship for B.J. Roberts
Luke Garrett Fund - For research in Pompe's Disease
Double H Hole in the Woods - Camp for critically ill children
The Domestic Violence Project
Frank Oest - For kidney transplant
Ronald McDonald House
SGF D.A.R.E. Program
Peter J. Snyder Scholarship
Marathon Dance Christmas Fund for Needy Children
Habitat for Humanity
Pam Marcantonio - For lung transplant
Jean Bernett - For kidney transplant
Local Volunteer Fire Departments
Janelle Anuszewski Scholarship
Trust Fund for the children of the late John Reardon
Caleb Snyder - For kidney transplant
Town of Moreau Historical Association
Make-A-Wish Foundation Joey Sullivan Fund
Judith Springer Scholarship
The Association for Retarded Citizens
Gil Bacon Memorial Fund Glens Falls Hospital Cancer Unit
Ronald McDonald House
Moreau Senior Citizens
Purchase of a Kidney Machine for the Glens Falls Hospital
Moreau Rescue Squad
Moreau Rescue Squad


Recipients for 2005

Michael Tyler Reed-Vanburen
Elementary Student

Has Kabuki Syndrome. This is when extra genetic material is added to the 8th chromosome. It may cause neurological, growth, learning, hearing, skeletal, cardiovascular, and urogenital abnormalities. He will be facing surgery to remove second ear canal in December and also back surgery in January. He is wheelchair dependant.
Financial assistance for family.

Offers programs to assist the seriously and terminally ill. Can help individuals who are seriously and terminally ill for years if necessary. Caritas also has a "Diversion for Children with Ill Parent Program" to help children maintain "normalcy" during rough times.
Any Funding would be appreciated

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Cystic Fibrosis is a genetic disease that is a life-threatening digestive and respiratory disease (people usually only survive into the early 30's). Raise money to help estimated 30,000 people by researching to find a cure.
Donate to Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

Bryan Vaillancourt
7 yo. Lives with Mother: Mary Kay Kelly

Bryan suffers from a severe traumatic brain injury from shaken baby syndrome. Is bound to a wheelchair and often suffers severe seizures.
Wheelchair accessible van

Kelly Colombe
34y.o. single mom- died from breast cancer on July 2nd. Has 2 children age 11 and 12.
Had no life insurance, daughters have lost everything they own including their house, belongings in the house, pets, and there are still bills to be paid. Family is trying to set up a trust account for the girls to help towards their future education.
Donation to trust fund for college.

Sarah Gryga
17 yo that lives with her mother, father, and younger brother.
Has Myelodysplasia, a rare bone marrow disorder that produces immature blood cells and progresses to leukemia. She is in need of a bone marrow transplant. Will be enduring many expenses that health insurance will not cover.
Financial assistance

Rebuilding Together Saratoga County
Mission: "To preserve and revitalize homes and communities, assuring that low-income and elderly homeowners, particularly those who are elderly, disabled, and families with children, live in warmth, safety, and independence. Our goal is to make a sustainable impact in partnership with the community".
Sponsor a house projected. $4,000-$7,000 per house

Tricia Stark
34 y.o. mother, 9y.o. son and 1 y.o. son
Was diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy, Scoliosis, and is confined to a wheelchair. Has no strength to move herself from the wheelchair to a vehicle. She is not able to make many of her son's school functions because she does not have transportation.
Wheelchair accessible van

Double "H" Hole in the Woods Ranch
Present opportunities to children (ages 6-16) with critical and life-threatening illnesses free of charge.
Donation to Double "H" Hole in the Woods

David Whorf
57 y.o.
Had triple bypass heart surgery in 1997, then two years later was diagnosed with colon cancer. Lost health care insurance. Has COPD, and has lost much mobility. (Not able to walk several feet or do normal activities without becoming short of breath).
Mobility scooter ($6,000-$7,000)

PJ Doyle
Key Marathon Dance and Community Member. Has 3 Sons.
Seventeen years ago he was diagnosed with throat cancer. Medical expenses and care expenses during his illness are extremely high.
Financial Assistance

Robert Smith
Special Education Teacher at Middle School, coach, lives with wife and father of 4 y.o. and 2 y.o.
Diagnosed with Level 4 Brain tumor this past fall (most serious type). Cancer has also passed into the blood stream.
Financial assistance

Katie Bolesh
1998 Graduate, Participated in SHMD
Medical Expenses.
Financial assistance

Judy Taylor
Bookkeeper and Deputy Town Clerk for Northumberland
Diagnosed with rare viral lung disease in 1988. Disease was in remission until May of 1997 when rheumatoid arthritis activated the lung disease. Her lungs are scared and not functioning properly. She had a lung transplant in September of 2004. Her home needs to have special carpeting and special air filters due to the lung transplant. She can not return home until these items have been put in place.
$3,000- $4,000 for home expenses

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
Asking marathon to support JDRF.
Fundraising help. Funds used for research and supportive services for patient's families.

2005 | t.powers

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