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Tuesday, February 15th
Parent Meeting
7:00 pm in the LGI room.


Sunday February 27th
St Michaels SHMD Breakfast
Parish hall - 8:30-11:30 am

$2 for kids, $4 for adults


Tuesday March 1st

Applebee's Fundraiser

Quaker Rd. Queensbury

Bring your flyer and give it to the SHMD representative at the door.


Friday March 4th

Registration begins at 5:00

I Love the 80's at 10:45


Saturday March 5th

Zoo at 7:15 am
Children's Books / Fairy Tales at 10:30 am
One Hit Wonders at 2:00
Favorite Movies / Shows
at 4:15

Auction begins at 7:00 pm

Awards and Finale at 8:30 pm

DANCERS NEWS | 28th annual SHMD

SHMD 2004   The students of South Glens Falls High School will hold the 28 th annual Marathon Dance on March 4 th – March 5 th in the high school gym, 42 Merritt Road, South Glens Falls. Over the course of the last 27 years, students at South High have raised over ONE MILLION DOLLARS to help several local charities, organizations and individuals in the tri-county area.   Last year alone the students raised over $147,000, smashing the million dollar goal!

The TunnelDacer Volunteers are still needed to help out in the dining room at the St. Michael's SHMD breakfast.  Anyone willing to help, please show up between 8 and 8:30 am.

Check out the dance schedule for times and a calendar of events.

Click here if you need any of the forms from the Dancer's Packets.

2005 | t.powers

SHMD home | Dancer News | Alumni News | Totals & Causes | Guestbook | Schedule | St. Mike's Breakfast | Applebee's | Pizza Hut